Architectural Accents

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Inlaid Creations
    2CM Crema Marfil with 1/2CM Limestone leaves inlaid into it......The veining is made using colored epoxy poured into a cut grove...... 
    This is a 30" x 60" 2CM Limestone coffee table top with Black Glass Leaves inlaid into it....The vine inlay was made using crushed Black Glass and black epoxy 

This a spa counter top and sink made with 2CM Crema Marfil marble and 1/2CM granite inlays that are made from the same granite used to cap the knee-wall....
All of Our inlays are done the "Old Fashion" way.... By hand removing just enough material from each top and replacing the removed material with its matching inlay.....

None of Our inlays are done using a waterjet....